Cllr. Jamie Lloyd

BH2021/03357 – Cinch Self-Storage, South Road


5th November 2021:

Stance: Customer objects to the Planning Application

Comment Reasons:

-       Adverse affect on listed building

-       Adversely affects Conservation Area

-       Inappropriate Height of Development

-       Overdevelopment

-       Overshadowing

-       Poor design

-       Residential Amenity

-       Restriction of view

Comment: i believe this development should not be granted and would like it to go to Planning Committee for the following reasons:


This is a highly innaproriate development that will adversly affect Little Barn, Mulberry Cottage, The Old Cottage and The Old Barn are four 17th century flint properties that are the only surviving remnants of Preston Farm: Preston Village's last evidence of rural Downland Village farming life.


This overdevelopment would not sustain the significance of this group of listed buildings, and would have an adverse impact on their setting through the height, bulk, materials and layout of the works. As these are listed buildings the developer has a responsibility to preserve or enhance this setting. This development would seriously harm it. The applicants have not described the

significance of these heritage assets, especially the flint rubble walling, clay tiled roof and the rare-in-Sussex semi-cruck construction of The Old Barn.


This overdevelopment is also inappropriate to the setting and character of Preston Park & Preston Village conservation areas. It doesn't respect the building line, scale and form of the listed building & conservation area settings.


The proposed extension would significantly increase the height of the storage facility from 6m to 10.26m: an increase of almost 14 ft; reducing outlook, visual privacy, daylight and sunlight. It would overshadow these small homes and gardens and completely dominate this precious cluster of listed buildings, compromising windows of habitable rooms and gardens and adversely affecting

the residents' quiet enjoyment of their homes.


For all of the reaosn above I beleive this should go to committee